CEEJH MATCH Mini-Grant Awards Ceremony

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provides support for the program.

Petersburg VA

In celebration of Community Resiliency Day, proclaimed by Mayor Parham

as of April 30 each year, Queen Zakia Shabazz and her organization, United

Parents Against Lead (UPAL) hosted a lunch and ceremony on Tuesday to

award MATCH grants ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 to 4 Virginia

organizations for their work in community resiliency and environmental

justice and health.

Councilman Howard Myers extended a warm welcome and congratulations

to all in attendance on behalf of the City Council. The ceremony took place at

the Petersburg Hub, Virginia’s first solar-powered Resiliency Hub located at

464 Byrne Street, Petersburg. This historic building, the former USO Club,

underwent an impressive and extensive renovation.

Funding for these grants is provided by the Robert Wood Johnson

Foundation and MATCH are led by the Center for Community

Environmental Justice and Health (CEEJH). Operations Manager and

Petersburg local Pamela R. Bingham spoke about the program before

presenting the awards. Congratulations to Division Street Landscaping,

Chester; Little Bluestem Collective, Afton; Pughsville Civic League, Suffolk

and Southside ReLeaf, Richmond - who are all addressing the negative

effects of climate change.


Thousands of children were tested for lead with faulty devices


Lead Service Line Replacement