UPAL’s Community Training Center Services
We offer a wide variety of training classes for individuals and groups.
We provide the following catalog of CLASSROOM Instruction:
Classes are offered in person and online
Eight-Hour Driver Improvement Class ($80)
UPAL’s Community Training Center is a Driver Improvement Clinic licensed and certified by the DMV to award up to five (5) safe driving points to persons who complete our 8-hour driver improvement class. Call 804.308.1518 to register – classes are offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays—from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. UPAL is an affiliate of the National Traffic Safety Institute. The class fee includes instruction, manuals, and a certificate of completion. Students may be DMV-directed, Court directed, and those completing the course voluntarily or for insurance purposes. Please bring a DMV-issued photo identification card along with payment to the class. Thank you for choosing UPAL and NTSI to provide for your Safe Driving needs. *Valid DMV License or photo identification is required for this class*
Escort Vehicle Training and Certification ($200)
The purpose of escort vehicle and driver training is to enhance the safety of moving over-dimensional loads by highway and reduce delays and inconveniences to the general traffic flow. Escort drivers have specific tasks to perform during the over-dimensional load movement phase. An escort vehicle is used to escort trucks with loads or convoys of vehicles. It serves as a forward or rear warning device to the general public and is required for specific over-dimensional or overweight loads. Escort vehicles are also referred to as flag or pilot cars. The escort vehicle driver is responsible for the overall movement of the load. It is important to remember that the over-dimensional load driver and the escort driver function as a team. Everyone must apply their skills and complete attention to ensure the load's safe movement. Constant alertness is necessary to anticipate and avoid problems.
CPR / AED Basic First Aid ($35)
ASHI CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training allow instructors an easy option for students seeking a comprehensive training class. The program helps develop first-aid knowledge and skills and the confidence to respond. CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training is an excellent choice for both the community and workplace setting and conforms to the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR, ECC, and the 2015 AHA and ARC Guidelines Update for First Aid. Perfect For Individuals who require or desire CPR, AED, and first aid knowledge and skills: Emergency response teams in business and industry, adult residential care personnel, teachers, parents, and babysitters.
Healthy Homes Training and Certification ($100)
UPAL’s Healthy Homes Training addresses multiple childhood diseases and injuries in the home to protect children and their families from housing-related health and safety hazards. We take a comprehensive approach to these activities by focusing on housing-related risks in a coordinated fashion rather than addressing one threat at a time. A Healthy Home is free of various environmental health and safety concerns, including mold, lead, allergens, asthma, carbon monoxide, home safety, pesticides, and radon.
Lead Dust Busters Training and Certification ($100)
Learn how to decrease children's exposure to lead by minimizing lead dust hazards. Lead Dust Buster Cleaning Kit provided with certification.
Mold Certifications - Good for 1 Year from the date of Certification:
Mold Inspector ($350) (24 hours)
This 24-hour course, accredited by the State of Virginia, meets the requirements outlined in the Virginia Mold Inspector and Remediator Regulation. The course teaches procedures for inspecting, collecting mold samples, and writing inspection reports, mold management plans, and mold remediation protocols. The Inspector course covers federal/state guidelines, industry best practices, causes of mold, eliminating the primary cause of the moisture, and correcting existing mold contamination. A certificate, recognized by the State of Virginia, is provided for each student upon completing the course.
Mold Remediation Worker ($250) (16 Hours)
This 16-hour course, accredited by the State of Virginia, meets the requirements outlined in the Virginia Mold Inspector and Premeditation Regulation. The course is required for workers of mold remediation projects performed in Virginia. It is also excellent training for general contractors, facility owners, and consultants who need to know the details and principles of mold remediation. The Worker course covers federal/state guidelines, industry best practices, causes of mold, eliminating the primary cause of the moisture, and correcting existing mold contamination. The course will also cover contamination levels, including the scope of work performance criteria. The class lectures are supplemented with hands-on activities. Hands-on activities include mold remediation site setup, mold removal methods, cleaning techniques, drying methodologies, and job acceptance criteria. A certificate, recognized by the State of Virginia, is provided for each student upon completing the course.
Mold Remediation Supervisor ($350) (24 Hours)
This 24-hour course, accredited by the State of Virginia, meets the requirements outlined in the Virginia Mold Inspector and Premeditation Regulation. The course is required for supervisory personnel who oversee and manage mold remediation projects performed in Virginia. It is also excellent training for general contractors, facility owners, and consultants who need to know the details and principles of mold remediation. The Supervisor course covers federal/state guidelines, industry best practices, causes of mold, eliminating the primary cause of the moisture, and correcting existing mold contamination. The course will also cover contamination levels, including the scope of work performance criteria. The class lectures are supplemented with hands-on activities. Hands-on activities include mold remediation site setup, mold removal methods, cleaning techniques, drying methodologies, and job acceptance criteria. A certificate, recognized by the State of Virginia, is provided for each student upon completing the course.