April is Lead Awareness Month
Please support UPAL's efforts to eradicate lead poisoning
and advocate on behalf of lead-poisoned children.
Your tax-deductible contributions go towards the following:
Partnering for a Resilient Petersburg - Creation of a Solar-Powered Community Resiliency Hub
Arm in Arm Hub Virginia Headquarters - Centering Racial and Economic Justice to End the Climate Crisis through Disruptive Humanitarianism
UPAL's EJ Youth Academy - Launching in April 2023 with Fahodi Shule
Lead Service Line Replacement Project - Prevent Another Flint with 1619 Inc.
Electrification - Promoting Equity in Transportation and Building Electrification
Providing Lead Dust Busters Kits to Families
Advocate for the Release of Sergio Gray - a lead-poisoned youth with an unjust prison sentence.
Walk UPAL's Garden Labyrinth for Health and Wellness - Dedication in May 2023